Career in healthcare

Career in Healthcare: Tragic Pandemic or Blessing of 2021

Career in healthcare is now subject to the Revolution of Medicine in the wake of the pandemic, the importance of the medical staff has been highlighted. As the world was brought to a standstill, with major economies suffering, it was only the doctors, nurses and other medical staff that were the front line warriors who worked night and day to help people and bring them back to life, by all means protecting them from the alien virus.

The Coronavirus pandemic is the greatest pandemic that the world has witnessed, in a long time. The virus lead to a great number of deaths and affected all the sectors of the economy. The worldwide lockdowns forced major sectors like education, marketing, services etc to occupy the online space and operate in a relatively new environment.

New concepts of social distancing, isolation were introduced by the epidemiologist and scientists, in order to protect people and educate them on the various aspects of the deadly virus. The isolations, home quarantines and the shift of the world from the ground reality to virtual reality created a great psychological impact on a lot of people.

The absence of social life, the inability to meet friends and loved ones generated a feeling of depression and sadness, and had an adverse effect on the mental health of people, which in turn reflected in bad sleep schedule, irregular food habits and more. The absence of a solid routine and the sheer of lack of physical activities to perform, greatly affected the lives of the individual all over the world.

Doctors, nurses and the other medical staff were the only life saviours in such a situation. Infected people and their family members equally suffered in this state. Active counselling and regular medication, is needed to help people get back to normal life. Medical professionals hold the utmost important in these crucial times.

With the help of artificial intelligence, intense research and the advancement of technology has revolutionized the sector of medicine. A lot of landmark changes have been incurred in this sector. With the help of science and technology, many life-saving techniques have been developed which are being readily applied in to help ailing individuals come back to life.

With these changes, the medical sector, will surely set to boom in the coming times. The current face of the field of medicine, with the advancements in science and technology, is increasingly different from some decades ago.

Many illnesses, which were considered chronic before, can now be efficiently cured these days, through the help of medicines and procedures that can be easily administered. A n example of the same is the medication, that cures cancer of tuberculosis, illnesses, that were formerly considered deadly.

A great number of vaccines have been developed that helps in the eradication of many deadly and lifelong diseases, like Polio, tuberculosis etc. Medical professionals have always been important to the general populace. It is the sheer expertise of these professionals that help in sustaining lives of individuals.

Many specializations in the field of medicine help in equipping the students with essential knowledge of the various body organs and physiology of humans. The intricate organ system, that make the human body and assist in the efficient working of humans, is highly complex and a thorough knowledge of the same needs to be possessed by professionals in order to treat individuals.

Medicine, is a life saving and by all means a noble profession. With the advancement of science and technology, the field along with many others will witness a drastic shift from its current change, which will revolutionize the field in many aspects. The following paper attempts to deal with the changing trends of the medical sector and the revolution that will be witnessed by the sector. It further goes on to discus, the renewed importance that this noble profession has gained in the current times.

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The face of healthcare is substantially different in the 21st century than it was before. The drastic numbers of chronic and acute illnesses that have been noticed have increased in the recent times. With some prevalent changes in the lifestyle of individuals in the recent times, the field of medicine has also witnessed certain shortcomings but on the other hand, the technology has also helped in finding various ways to overcome these problems.

The most glaring of which is the rise of customized medicines and personal attention of the doctors to the patients which help in administering different doses to different individuals. The field of nursing has also witnessed a tectonic shift in the practices; different personal care machines and the comprehensive demand of individuals have made it possible for the associates to administer acute-care modes. Transformations in these fields are principal to the advancements and development of the aspect of healthcare.

The “next next transformation” will change the paradigm to focus on health—positively defined and measured as something other than the “absence of disease”; conceived as an integrated function of biology, environment, and behavior; and measured as a product of physical, mental, social, and spiritual variables.

—Michael Johns, MD, and Kenneth Brigham, MD

As mentioned above, good health doesn’t necessarily mean the absence of disease; on the other hand it means wellness, in all aspects, mainly, socially, psychologically and emotionally. Research, have shown that the habitat one lives in is exceptionally important, and contributes to the wellness of the individual by manifolds.

Therefore, it is essentially important to nourish one’s surrounding; clean and tidy environment manifests itself in the lives of the individuals.

As the times are changing rapidly, and human populace is essentially relying on technology, the practice has in many ways generated new diseases and illness, the most prominent of which is psychological un-wellness. In the recent times, a multitude of cases of depression, anxiety issues and other psychological ills have been observed.

The recent generation, has been found to be socially handicapped and increasingly reliant on technology and science. The increased usage of electronic appliance, mobile phones, laptops, tablets and video games have rendered children unfit for the real world.

It is essentially important for parents and teachers to encourage children to go out and play with other children, this physical interaction amongst children contribute and help in the overall social development of children. It is only by inculcating healthy and better habits from an early age, encourage them to interact with peers, and be physically active could we hope to encourage them to be better individuals.

It has been noticed, that children or even adults who do not wish to interact with peers, are often diagnosed with social anxiety, which eventually hampers growth and development and at an intricate level, the daily day to day functioning. Zero interaction, with the outside world has many drawbacks, and the practice is deemed extremely unhealthy in many ways.

Especially, in the current times, as the Coronavirus pandemic has forced nations across the world into stricter lockdowns, and have left people no other option but to remain home, with zero outside interaction and the mundane routines have shrouded people with disparity and sadness, and has given rise to a number of psychological illnesses.

It is at these crucial and unpredictable times, that medical professionals play a primary and real role in assuring the wellness of each and every individual. When the world was forced into lockdowns and the alien virus was causing havoc, it was only and only these medical professionals who took the risk of being contaminated and served selflessly.

Apart from treating diseases in actuality, they also helped in counseling individuals and assisted them in dealing with the current situation and moreover contributed their expertise in getting them back to life. In many ways, the utmost importance of medical professional have been highlighted and increased in the dreadful times.Such a scenario has forced people to re-think about the noble profession of medicine.

It has also motivated many aspiring students to pursue this field and make their contribution in the coming times. It has been made evidently clear in the year 2020, that how a virus of a few microns has the power to put the world on a standstill, and cause thousands of deaths.

All the advancements in technology cannot help in its ceasing, it is only and only professionals who are expert in the human physiology and anatomy and who possess an intricate knowledge of the functioning of the human body can help in getting back from the clutches of disparity and death. It can be fairly concluded that doctors, nurses, paramedics and other associated staff by all means are some professions of utmost importance and are likely to grow dramatically in the coming years.

Changing Face of Medicine in 2021- What is the future of Career in healthcare?

The most prominent of these changes can be seen with the heavily application of technology that is being readily used to alter and revolutionize the field. Technology has now become an essential subset of the human life.

From something, as basic as a simple spectacle to something as complicated, as a pacemaker, technology is being consistently used to make human lives easier. The active use of anaesthesia can be seen as a very basic example of the changing face of technology.

Earlier, diseases which were considered chronic can now be treated by the application of technology and the data collected by extensive research. Research and development are the two basic aspects of the field of medicine.  It is only by intensive research and the coherent use of improvised technology that helps in the overall maintenance and recovery of the individuals.

Other factors, apart from technology that have evidently contributed to the changing face of medicines is the globalization of the economy and the economic issues which comes along with it. Also, the recent rise in the acute and chronic illnesses cases that have been noticed in these times are essentially important for the same. These changes have made their influence on the sector of pharmaceuticals too.

Pharmaceuticals, is altogether a different aspect of the field of medicine that deals with the in the manufacturing of drugs and medicines. It is only when the doctors, health care professionals and pharmacists, work in close communion could we hope to produce a personalized drug best suited for the consumption of ailing patients, that has its shows result quickly and effectively when administered. The making of medicines, is a very intricate, complicated and by all means the most crucial of steps taken towards improving the health of individuals.

This requires thorough and intensive research about the vitamins, minerals and other chemicals that are needed in the manufacturing. The important factor that is considered in the making of personalized drug is the risk of allergies and the reaction of the body in the prescribed drugs. Pharmacists are responsible for considering all these factors, and manufacture drugs after, the drugs then made are sure to be highly effective and quick in ailing patients.

Career in healthcare a Global and Issues of Economy? 

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The healthcare system depends on various factors and can be deemed increasingly complex. One such increasingly important factor is globalization. The making of the world into one big global village has invited folks from all over the world to unite in the formation of such a village; this has resulted in the increase of ethnic and cultural diversity.

These diversities, although are well respected and are essential to the process of globalization, they also contribute immensely in the health care system of communities at large and even at small individual levels. With the mixing and amalgamation of such diverse group of people, major changes in lifestyle are noticed, which contribute to the aspect of environmental factor.

In any ways it affects the genetic map also, as can be noticed in the progeny of diverse individuals. With the changes incurred in both environmental and genetic level, has forced experts to modify, change and improvise the application, manufacturing and dozens of medicines, according to the changing population.

The genetic factor is to be majorly considered in this aspect. It is possible that individuals of two different communities produce an offspring; therefore it is also possible that he/she will have a set of traits which come out to be dominant, although they were recessive in the previous generation. The process of globalization and the inter-mingling of communities have forced experts to look at everything from a larger perspective.

The same can be said for the issues of economy. As the world grows and develops rapidly, economy is rather distributed. Poor countries suffer the most as they are deprived of quality health care services, and most of them are concentrated with countries that are economically more sound and safe.

It is essentially the poor countries who suffer, as they are deprived of good nutritious food and are forced to live in unhygienic and unsanitary conditions, where something as basic and essential as drinking water is scarce. Such conditions and the alarming statistics that highlight easily avoidable deaths of children and women, of malnutrition and anaemia have forced that health care industries and global giants to rethink the face of medicine and to provide much needed and essential healthcare to deprived individuals.

The need of economical medicines, along with the prospect of globalization has majorly contributed to the changing face of medicine. The importance of availability of prescribed drugs and nutritious food have forced authorities to bring the much needed landmark changes in the field of medicine.

The Pharmaceutical and models of acute-care: Career in Healthcare

The acute-care models, aims to prescribe procedures, treatments or drugs that will eliminate the prospect of immediate treat. The patient, in this model is not actively involved and is just a recipient of the procedure passively.

The acute –care aspect originates, from acute infections which can be the primary cause of trauma, which is then treated by antibiotics, pain-relief or surgical advances. This model is closely linked with the field of pharmacy; the advances in the field of pharmacy can be readily applied in curing such acute infections and diseases.

Better and effective pharmaceutical practices, cuts the cost of production and enhances the prospectus result, when the doze is administered on the patient. But, in order to create such effective drugs and medicines, intense and thorough research is required.

It is the primary responsibility of the researchers to not look for profits and make pocket-friendly drugs that could be administered to a large number of population, that are accentuates the process of treatment and have no adverse side-effect on anyone, with minimum risk involved.

The sector of medicine and pharmaceuticals as well, has been subject to these changing trends. It is essentially important to note that the medicines and drugs when administered depend greatly on expert opinion and the model that doctor decides to choose for the treatments.

As new models have been emerging along with changing technologies and their active use in this field, the manufacturing of medicines too, has changed. These factors are largely responsible for the changing face of the field of medicine. As these changes prevail, it is equally important to improvise and develop user friendly medicine.

These changes show no sign of ceasing and therefore, to it are primarily important to keep up with these changes by extensive research and regular updates in the field of medicine, all throughout the globe. The process of globalization, have made this process, manifolds easy.

It enables experts around the globe to be in constant contact and work diligently in communion, with a single aim of benefitting the human race and enabling them to live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives. Medicine all over the world, works for the sole aim of making human lives easier and help in better, quicker and faster recovery in case of long illnesses, and eventually helping them in getting back to their feet

Emerging models in the Career in Healthcare


The current times, have noticed a significant shift, from traditional ways to new more effective and improvised ways of treating an individuals. These treatments from the emerging models are essential from both the perspective of research and helping ailing individuals in quicker and faster recovery.

There has always been a tiff between the two groups of doctors who side with traditional ways and who prefer to innovate and improvise those traditional ways. We can all agree that the current times, require new ways to overcome the problem.

To overcome this issue, many new models of medicine have been developed over the times, the following is a graphic representation of the same

Personalized Medicine. Prospective Health Care Evidence-based Medicine Chronic Care Model System Biology Integrative Medicine.


  1. Personalized Medicine- The concept of ‘Personalized Medicine’ is based on the application of genetic individuality. It aims on studying the genetic framework of each individual, where specific attention is given to genetic vulnerabilities.The genetic prospect helps in the diagnosis of diseases and contributes in the creation of therapeutic and more personally-suited medicines.
  2. It also takes into consideration the environmental influences of the concerned individual.This requires constant observation and thorough research from experts, before the administration of any medicines. The personalized medicines, essentially contributes in the reduction of adverse effects of the drugs or the medication.
  3.  Personalized medicines are primarily, informed by evidence, that is collected from constant observation and thorough research. The concept of personalized medicine, is one among the foremost emerging models of medicine, they contribute greatly to the benefit and advantage of an individual.
  4. Prospective Health Care- The Prospective – Health Care model is a multi- disciplinary team- based care system. It primarily deals with the prediction, participation, and prevention of diseases. It takes into account the concept of pharmacogenomics. It consists of multiple concepts, that deal with self management of patients, personalized medicines, and the aspect of system biology informed and supported by evidence.
  5. The prospective- health care model is also one of the foremost and emerging models that helps in quicker ailing of individuals and also contribute in the maintenance of that well being. It is a multi-disciplinary model; therefore, it can be viewed as one among the most important emerging models as it caters to the needs of many disciplines.
  6. Evidence- based Medicine- This model, deals in the application of the most new and current research that are being continuously on therapeutics and diagnostics to patient care. There are certain advantages and some limitations though, that have been noticed in the Evidence- based model.
  7. One of the greatest and best advantages is the use of ‘Green medicine’, which clarifies the mechanism and actions of the drugs.On the other hand, some limitations, involve rigidity and focuses on drug-based solution.
  8. Failure to use adaptive unconsciousness, in the context of uncertainty has also been noticed in this. Also some failure to match the RTC outcomes to individual patients has been observed. Even with these shortcomings, the Evidence-based Medicine is one of the most prominent and effectively applied model in the field of medicine.
  9. The Chronic Care Model- the Chronic Care model is also a multi-disciplinary team-based care. It indulges in the self-management of the patient. The application of this model brings system-wide change. Prepared in the most proactive of ways for experts and the skilled team of practitioners, the model aims in keeping the patients actively informed for decision support and more for chronic illnesses.
  10. It also takes in consideration the clinical information systems and the system of delivery design and also mentioned above patient self-management. As this is a multidisciplinary field, its emergence is of great of importance as it caters to a great number of disciplines. The chronic healthcare model is one amongst the best emerging models of modern sciences.
  11. System Biology Model- the System Biology Model is also a multi-disciplinary model, which takes under the sphere of Personalized Medicine at large, it deals with the underlying mechanisms and is supported by information and evidence that have been collected through research all throughout.
  12. This models deals with the prediction and prevention of diseases and personalization of medicines along with active participation of ailing individuals. Because of the various disciplines it deals with, this model has become one among the most prominent and important models and has opened doors to a more synthesized way, which is being used for the betterment of patients
  13. Integrative Medicine- Integrative Medicine is a multidisciplinary field that takes into account a great number of diverse approaches, and focuses on practitioner- patient relationship. The approach is evidently supported by informed and fact-checked evidence.

It focuses, on the importance of the relationship between mind and body. The model as the name suggests is integrated, i.e., it takes into consideration different approaches and aims at providing an integrated and comprehensive way keeping in mind the applications of various disciplines.

The Integrative Medicine approach can be fairly thought to be the most important among all the applied approaches. The integration of different fields adds more value to this approach.

Essentially the role of these emerging models is to primarily contribute with their different approaches and beliefs are to assist in the sector of healthcare and improve it from its current state. It is important to note that the emerging models must focus on the well being of the individuals and patients.

As opposed from the traditional ways these models make healthcare more personalized and customized. The type of medicines and the amount of doze to be administered is calculated by thorough and deep research on the behalf of the medical practitioners. This, by all means contribute in the faster and quicker recovery of ailing patients.

It can be readily agreed that with the changing times and the emergence of increasingly complicated and never before seen diseases, it is the need of the hour to practically improvise and change the already existing models and make it more patient-friendly.

It is only this which will assist in faster recovery of individuals. It is also important to note, that these emerging models have been successfully applied and found to be effective, therefore, with the help of constant research and observation, these emerging models are set to revolutionize the field of medicine.

Medical practitioners, must readily employ these new emerging models and with their expertise try to make the process of treatment and recovery a little more quick and a little less painful.

Functional Medicine of the 21st Century: Career in healthcare

It is much more important to know what sort of a patient has a disease than what sort of a disease a patient has. The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.

—William Osler

As have been mentioned above, the patient and not the disease is the foremost responsibility of the experts. Functional medicine deals with all the components of the biological system of humans and its dynamic interaction with the environment.

These continuous interactions are responsible for producing a pattern, which is likely to change over time. Functional medicine has taken into consideration the complexities and practicalities of different models for evaluating and obtaining large number of clinical information that eventually leads to individualized and extremely patient- centric therapies.

The application of patient-oriented models has led to make functional medicine a more dynamic approach by attempting to assess, treat and prevent certain chronic illnesses. It helps experts in the identification and amelioration of particular dysfunctions in the biochemistry and physiology of the body of humans, in order to essentially improving the health of ailing individuals.

The model emphasizes that chronic illnesses are most certainly preceded by a certain period of the declining of functions of one or more organs in the human body, and therefore on keen observation such chronic illnesses can be diagnosed quickly and can be effectively treated. Returning ailing individuals to health is majorly concerned with a kind of ‘reversal’ of these dysfunctions to their former state of proper functioning.

These dysfunctions could be caused by a great number of factors some of which include environment, habitat, lifestyle and genetic composition. Therefore, each patient, poses a complicated, unique and one of a kind problem, essentially connected to his or her psychological framework as well.

Hence, as is clear from the above argument, each and every patient is fundamentally different from other and it is only and only through personalized and customized treatment and medication could we hope to ease their process of recovery and ‘reverse’ the dysfunctions thus created by illnesses, both chronic and acute.

In the concept of Functional Medicine experts aim to restore the balance of the dysfunctional system by principally, strengthening the physiological processes, and by altering and improvising the environmental habitat and lifestyle of the individual in question.

The approach of Functional Medicine, results in therapies and sessions from trained experts which focus on restoring the health and functions of the individuals, and not just on controlling the symptoms or signs.

Functional medicine is a more integrated way and constitutes within itself a great many factors that are concerned both in the knowing the cause of dysfunction and the most suitable treatment and medication that must be administered for quicker and faster recovery.

It does not necessarily mean controlling symptoms, rather working on them beforehand, so as it not damages the body organs and functions of patients. It is by far the best approach and shows every sign of propagating and growing in the future as well.

There are some basic principles that primarily characterize the paradigm of functional medicine. It is important to consider these principles when talking about functional medicine. Some of which are discussed as follows,

  • Scientific- the concept of functional medicine, is essentially scientific in nature. It uses the concepts of science, and therefore, the approach is rational in nature. This rationality, helps in the overall betterment and proper functioning of the individuals. It doesn’t work on the basis of assumptions or probabilities and is essentially fact-based and ‘science-using’ profession.
  • Organ Reserve- Functional Medicine, promotes the concept of organ reserve, it deals with enhancing the health span or not merely the life span of every patient. Reserving of organs is one of the most important prospect of functional medicine.
  • Positive Vitality of Health- the prospect of functional medicine, is to identify and reinforce, the positive vitality of health, health is not merely the absence of disease, but constitute of psychological, social and physical well being.
  • Dynamic Approach- Functional Medicine, is a dynamic approach, and incorporates within itself. It constitutes, of both the internal and external factors, regarding patient’s mind, body and spirit. This dynamic approach, is by all means effective.
  • Individuality of Biochemistry- Functional Medicine acknowledges the individuality of biochemistry of each and every human being, essentially based on the concept of uniqueness of environmental and genetic factors. As functional medicine, respects these individual differences, it renders more effective.
  • Patient- oriented- Functional Medicine incorporates within itself extremely patient- centric models. This encompasses within itself the concept of personalized and customized medicines. These medications, fundamentally enhances the ailing process of individual.

Functional medicine can be considered as one of the most promising and effectively used medicinal approach in the future. Its dynamic and highly patient-centric nature contributes to the cause.

The human body is an extremely complex and complicated system of organs, it is only by thorough knowledge and observation as well as individual attention given to the patients that we can hope to treat and diagnose individuals effectively.

Functional medicine is a multi-disciplinary approach and by all means caters to a great number of fields, and therefore, can be thought to be the face of future. The characteristics mentioned above make it inherently different and more effective than the use of conventional medicine.

The primary difference can thus be understood by the following diagram, it also reflects why functional medicine is necessary.

Conventional Medicine Functional Medicine
Disease Oriented


Health Oriented


Looks at underlying cause of disease


Patient- centric Holistic approach
Everyone is given same treatment


Personalized and Customized treatment
Early detection of disease


Preventive approach
Diagnosis based on symptoms Biochemistry individuals.


Conclusion: Career in Healthcare

Treat the patient, not the diagnosis.

—The Institute for Functional Medicine

From the above discussed chapters, the importance of medical practitioners, nurses, paramedics and associated staff, is clearly reflected. It can be fairly concluded that the field of medicine witnessing a revolution in order to deal with the changing trends of the field, which show no signs of ceasing.

It can also be effectively concluded, that globalization, economy, ethnic diversities, changing lifestyle and the ample use of technology are some prominent and most important contributing factors of the change. Owing to these factors, many new acute and chronic illnesses have been developed in the recent times.

It is by all means important to tackle these ailments by the use of proper diagnosis and treatment of dysfunction keeping in mind a select approach and working as well as creating ways using the same approach to deal with these.

As the Coronavirus pandemic forced the world to a standstill, this is nothing but the tip of the iceberg that has eventually forced scientists, doctors and experts to recognize the latent tendency of the revolution, which can now be witnessed in full force.

It is in these crucial times that the importance of doctors, nurses and other medical staff has been realized. It is this realization, which has by all means has accelerated the process of revolution. Medicine, was, has and will be considered a noble profession.

Professionals of the field deal with the complex and extremely intricate system of human body and organs, which hold the ropes of one’s lives. It is these experts that deal with such a crucial and complicated tasks.

Medicine majorly aims to give the boon of healthy life to ailing individuals and actively works in the prevention of diseases to healthy ones. It is the greatest and the one of the noblest professions, which has been undergoing revolution based on current situations.

Aspiring students must be encouraged to actively pursue medicine, if they wish to be a part of this landmark profession and contribute for healthy change in the society.

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